How your donation can help Turquoise Mountain to achieve its charitable aims:
could provide vital healthcare to patients in Afghanistan
could purchase tools and materials for an artisan in Myanmar
could provide a one year scholarship for an artisan in Jordan
Your support you can help Turquoise Mountain preserve culture and heritage at risk, and make it the driving force for employment, education and a sense of pride in Afghanistan, Jordan and Myanmar.
Donations of any amount will be gratefully received – you can contribute below and please contact fundraising@turquoisemountain.org with any questions.
Thank you so much for your support.

Or donate by post
In the US, please contact us at:
Turquoise Mountain Foundation
1634 I Street, NW, Suite 1025
Washington, DC 20006-4045
In the UK, please contact us at:
Turquoise Mountain Trust
Princes Exchange, 1 Earl Grey St.
Edinburgh, EH3 9EE